How will you know if you are a good driver???
Having a driver license doesn't tell everyone that you are a good driver it's only a basic knowledge that you must know before you are driving on the road but becoming a good driver is not easy...Do you have any knowledge of and obedience to traffic laws?? Take a look at this article and ask yourself if you are a good driver or not...
How will you know if you are a good driver???
Drinking and Driving...
How To Be A Better Driver - Get Back To Basics
The most basic principle to be applied to ensure good driving is knowledge of and obedience to traffic laws. It is not difficult to understand the danger of traveling at an excessive rate of speed in residential areas and school zones. Being a good driver includes care for the safety of pedestrians as well as other drivers. Reviewing the current traffic laws and vehicle safety requirements can serve as a good refresher on many areas of driving likely forgotten. It is not pleasant to be traveling at a high rate of speed and have the vehicle ahead dropping pieces and parts which are now dangerous projectiles that can cause serious damage or even death. Traffic laws perform two basic functions in that they provide a level of management to aid in keeping traffic flowing smoothly, and more importantly driver safety. Traffic is chaotic enough with the traffic laws. Imagine the drive if there were no such management.