Sunday, May 27, 2012

Tips For Women When Driving Alone

Be Safe On The Road: Tips For Woman Driver

We drive to the grocery store. We drive to pick the kids up at school. We drive to work. We assume we are safe and our cars will keep on running. Many of us just take these things for granted, that is, until it is too late.

Most of the safety tips to ensure your personal safety on the road are common sense. Pay attention. Lock your doors and windows. Be aware of your surroundings. Drive on well-travelled, lit roads. Do not blast your radio. Let someone know the routes you take. Carry your cell phone. Do not engage in a confrontation (road rage). Do not talk on your cell phone or text. Have a full tank of gas. If pulled over, ask for identification. Park your car near the door. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Carry a personal alarm.

In addition, you also need to know what to do when something happens to your car. You get a flat tire. Your battery dies. You are stuck in a snowstorm. Like many women, you may try to call your dad, husband, significant other or roadside assistance. While you may get in touch with someone, nothing happens instantly. For at least a little while, you are alone. Of course, there is also the situation in which your cell has no signal or you cannot reach anyone. You need to be prepared and you need to be safe.

While many of the safety tips mentioned previously apply to these types of situations, it is also imperative that you have a car emergency kit with you at all times. A car emergency kit should contain some essential items like water, a non-perishable food item, a flashlight, and a blanket. Repair tools such as jumper cables and a tire puncture seal are also good to have; and of course, you should have a first aid kit.

If you prefer a more elaborate kit, you may want to include other items. For example, you may benefit from having a full body warmer, a hooded poncho, gloves and/or a reflective vest. Additional tools such as a seatbelt cutter, a shovel and/or a window-breaking tip may be a good idea. You may want to include a siren or red signal lights too. Emergency kits can be made by you or purchased already packaged. If you choose to purchase a kit, there is a wide variety on the market. From the very basic to the deluxe, kits are available at various price points. Regardless of whether you choose to make your own kit, buy a basic one, or splurge on the super-duper kit, you must make sure you know how to use everything. Your jumper cables will not do any good sitting in the bag. Read the instructions beforehand. Practice, have someone show you. Learn how to use everything in your kit. Be prepared. Be safe on the road.

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