Today there are many questions around what is the proper driving etiquette in many different situations. For example, is there a right way to enter and exit a freeway? What is the best way to survive rush hour? What is the two second driving rule? How do you handle a situation at a stop sign when two drivers arrive at the same time? The following paragraphs are meant to give you a few tips for dealing with these situations.
Many people think that those entering the freeway have the right of way. Truth be told they do not. Entering the freeway is a merge. You do this when there is an opening that is clear for you to enter. Using your turn signal to let other drivers know your are merging, look over your shoulder to make sure it is clear. It is common for the other drivers to move to the other lane to allow you space to merge but it is not required of them.
The two second driving rule is simple to understand, a bit difficult to perform and even more difficult for those people who tend to be impatient when driving. This is the distance that provides you enough time to react to a problem in front of you. When another car brakes suddenly in front of you, you will want to be sure you have enough room to stop before hitting them. Two seconds gives you that room. However it can be difficult to gauge your distance. Once you get the hang of it though you will be able to quickly decide if you need more space. You can gauge the distance by selecting an object in front of the car in front of you. As the vehicle passes that object, count how long it take you to pass that object. This is the time distance between the two vehicles.
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